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Shortcut untuk auto cad

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Kita sering sekali saat menggambar suatu benda atau objek menggunakan softwere autocad selalu merasa kalau setiap kali mau melakukan command masih harus menggeser pointer mouse untuk meng "klik"command tersebut. sepertinya hal ini sedikit memakan waktu, misalnya saja kita akan membuat garis, kita harus mencari logo pada toolbar terlebih dahulu agar bisa menjalankan command untuk membuat sebuah garis, ini mungkin masih bisa ditolelir jika kita menggunakan komputer yang sama, lah kalau kita menggunakan komputer orang lain yang penempatan tolbarnya psti berbeda-beda dengan posisi toolbar pada komputer yang biasa kita pakai, pasti kita harus keliling menyisir setiap sudut monitor untuk mencari tool tersebut apalagi kalau tool tersebut hilang / belum dimunculkan, apa gak bingung malahan huahahahahahha.

okey braaay, dari permasalahan itu, maka saya coba berikan sortcutnya


1. Generally a shortcut prefixed with ” -“ will suppress the associated dialogue from appearing.
2. Some of the following shortcuts only work with AutoCAD 2006.
3. Not all of the shortcuts listed work with AutoCAD LT.

ATT  ATTDEF  Opens attribute definition dialogue box
ATTEDIT  ATTEDIT  Edit attribute values for a specific block
B BLOCK  Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
BATTMAN  BATTMAN  Opens block attribute manager
BATTORDER  BATTORDER  Displays attribute order dialogue box
BC  BCLOSE  Closes the block editor
BCOUNT  BCOUNT  Counts the blocks in a drawing
BE  BEDIT  Opens the edit block definition dialogue box
EATTEXT  EATTEXT  Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks
GATTE  GATTE  Global attribute edit of multiple blocks
I  INSERT  Opens insert dialogue to insert a block
-I  INSERT  INSERT a block by name
MINSERT  MINSERT  Insert block in rectangular array
REFEDIT  REFEDIT  Edit a block reference in place
REN  RENAME  Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
W  WBLOCK  Write a block - for use in other drawings
XLIST  XLIST  Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a
nested object in a block or an xref

A  ARC  Draw an arc
AL  ALIGN  Align an object with another
AP  APPLOAD  Opens application load dialogue box
AR  ARRAY  Opens array dialogue box
AUDIT  AUDIT  Audit drawing for errors
AV  DSVIEWER  Opens ariel view of drawing
B  BLOCK  Opens block dialogue box
C  CIRCLE  Draw a circle
CO  COPY  Copy an object
CHA  CHAMFER  Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines
COL  COLOR  Opens select color dialogue box
CUI  Opens customise user interface dialogue
D  DIMSTYLE  Opens dimstyle manager
DC  ADCENTER  Opens designcenter
DI  DIST  Check a distance
DIV  DIVIDE  Inserts point node a set division
DO  DONUT  Draw a solid donut shape
DV  DVIEW  Perspective view
E  ERASE  Erase a selection
EX  EXTEND Extend a selection
F  FILLET  Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
FI  FILTER  Opens filter dialogue box
FLATTEN  FLATTEN  Converts 3D to 2D
G  GROUP  Launches the group dialogue box
H  HATCH  Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
I  INSERT  Insert a block
IM  IMAGE  Launches image manager
J  JOIN  Joins 2 objects to form single object
JPGOUT  JPGOUT Creates a JPEG file of current drawing
L  LINE  Draw a line
LA  LAYER  Opens layer manager
LE  QLEADER  Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
LEAD  LEADER  Leader line with annotation
LI or LS  LIST  Display information about objects in a text window
LO  -LAYOUT  Creates a new LAYOUT tab
LTS  LTScale  Change the linetype scale
M  MOVE  Move a selection
MA  MATCHPROPERTIES  Match properties of an object
ME  MEASURE  Inserts point node at input distance
O  OFFSET  Offset a selection
OP  OPTIONS Launches options dialogue box
P  PAN  Pan in drawing
PE  POLYEDIT  Edit a polyline
PL  PLINE  Draw a polyline
PLOT  PLOT  Opens plot/print dialogue box
PO  POINT  Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle
PR  PROPERTIES  Opens properties dialogue box
PRE  PREVIEW  Preview a plot
PU  PURGE  Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements
RE  REGEN  Regenerate the display
REC  RECTANG  Draw a rectangle
REN  RENAME  Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
RO  ROTATE  Rotate a selection
SP  SPELL  Spell check a selection - ALL to check entire drawing
T  MTEXT  Insert multiline text
TB  TABLE  Opens insert a table dialogue box
TP  TOOLPALETTES  Displays toolpalette
TR  TRIM  Trim a selection
U  UNDO  Undo last command
UN UNITS Opens units dialogue box
V  VIEW  Opens view dialogue box
W  WBLOCK  Write a block
WHOHAS  WHOHAS  Displays who has a drawing open
X  EXPLODE  Explode a selection
XR  XREF  Opens x-reference manager
Z  ZOOM  Zoom in display - A=All, E=EXTENTS, W=WINDOW


%%C  Ø  Diameter dimensioning symbol
%%D  °  Degrees symbol
%%O  OVERSCORE  Toggles overscore mode on/off
%%P  ±  Plus/minus symbol
%%U  UNDERSCORE  Toggles underscore on/off
DT  DTEXT  Single line dynamic text - Justify/Align to fit within text
ED  DDEDIT  Edit text
FIND  FIND  Opens find and replace dialogue box
JUSTIFYTEXT  JUSTIFYTEXT  Change the justification point without moving text
MIRRTEXT  MIRRTEXT  Mirrtext 0 to turn off
SCALETEXT  SCALETEXT  Scales text without moving the text insertion point
SPELL  SPELLCHECK  Performs spellcheck - ALL checks all text in drawing
ST  STYLE  Opens text style dialogue box
T or MT  MTEXT  Multiline/paragraph text
TCIRCLE  TCIRCLE  Places circle, slot, or rectangle around each selected text
TEXT  DTEXT  Single line dynamic text
TEXTFIT  TEXTFIT Stretches/shrinks text by selecting new start and/or end
TORIENT  TORIENT  Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects
WIPEOUT  WIPEOUT  Masks part of drawing for clarity
1. To fit or align text in a defined area use DTEXT and select JUSTIFY/ALIGN or FIT - very
useful if text is enclosed by a rectangle/ circle/etc.

3D  3D  Command line 3D solid options
BOX  BOX  Draw a cube
CYLINDER CYLINDER  Draw a cylinder
DDUCS  DDUCS  Opens ucs dialogue
DDUCSP  DDUCSP  Opens ucs dialogue at orthographic tab
EXT  EXTRUDE  Extrude a face
IN  INTERSECT  Intersect an object
REV  REVOLVE  Revolves an object about an axis
RR  RENDER  Open render dialogue box
SE  SECTION  Section
SL  SLICE  Slice a solid
SU  SUBTRACT  Subtract selection from solid
TOR  TORUS  Draw torus shape
UC  DDUCS  Displays UCS manager dialogue box
UCS  UCS  UCS command line options
UNI  UNION Union solids
VPORTS  VPORTS  Opens viewport dialogue box
WE  WEDGE  Draw a wedge


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